Climate Alliance (Klimabündnis) is a non-for-profit association founded in 1990. For more than 25 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been...
The national support for the European City Facility consists of National Hubs and Country Experts. The national hubs and country experts have been chosen based on experience and a proven track record of success. The two roles serve different purposes for applicants and beneficiaries to benefit from.
You can contact the Country expert in your country by writing to ce.[country]@eucityfacility.eu, (i.e. ce [dot] Australia [at] eucityfacility [dot] eu (ce[dot]Australia[at]eucityfacility[dot]eu)), or find your country specific details below.
Unfortunately, no Country Expert nor National Hub is available for Luxembourg. Please reach out to the EUCF Helpdesk for support.
Unfortunately, no National Hub is available in the Netherlands. Please contact the EUCF Helpdesk or the Country Expert.