The European City Facility produces a wide range of materials from progress reports per call to more detailed guidance on various issues related to the delivery of energy efficiency and clean energy actions.
1 - 9 out of 16 results

Summary Report Call 6
This document aims to provide cumulative figures and a comparative analysis of the results per region and per country of the EUCF calls for applications....
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Guidelines for applicants
Browse through the highly detailed guidance for participants in an English lagnuage PDF.
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EUCF Impact Report
This report details the overall impact of the first four calls of the European City Facility, and presents some experiences from individual local benefic...
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Matosinhos presentation of Investment Concept
During EUCF's Intensive days in 2024, the Portuguese beneficiary of Matosinhos presented its investment concept.
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Model Grant Agreement, EUCF LIFE
The Model Grant Agreement of the European City Facility is used for the agreement between the selected beneficiaries and the Coordinator of the European ...
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Summary Report Call 5
This report provides an overview of Call 5 of the European and puts it in the context of the preceding four calls.
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Deliverables & materials from EUCF Horizon 2020
Find here materials produced specifically for running the first version of the European City Facility.
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Financing the local energy transition - from plan to reality, EU Regions Week
presentation from the EU Regions Week workshop 'Financing the local energy transition - from plan to reality' with participation from the two EUCF benefi...
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Overview of Call 5 applications
A presentation covering the number and types of applications for the 5th call of the European City Facility
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