Call 7
Running until the 18th of December 2024 17:00 (Brussels time), the 7th call of the European City Facility offers/offered support to 71 local beneficiarie...
Note: This call closed on 18 December 2024, at 17.00 Brussels time.
Local authorities and their groupings are among those that can benefit from a new call launched by the EU-funded European City Facility. The call offers €60,000 in lump-sum payments and hands-on support for local actors to develop investment concepts on energy efficiency and clean energy actions.
The call opened on 15 October and will remain open for applications until 18 December, 17:00 Brussels time. A total of 71 municipalities will benefit from the call which is funded by the European Union’s LIFE Programme.
This grant will allow beneficiaries to act on their needs related to developing investment concepts in support of their sustainable energy and climate plans.
Previously, beneficiaries have used the funding to carry out a wide variety of actions, including technical feasibility studies, market analyses, stakeholder planning, or legal, economic and financial analyses, but the specific action is up to the applicants, within the topical areas of clean energy or energy efficiency.
Application process
Applying for the funding is simple and requirements are similar to earlier calls of the facility and asks for proven political support, potential investment size, feasible energy-related impacts, and plans for governance structure and stakeholder engagement. This information is comparable to what’s needed before accessing most public or private financing and funding sources.
The European City Facility will present the key features and requirements of the call during an information session on 22 October, 15.00 CET. National sessions have also been organised across the EU Member States, Iceland and Ukraine which are the eligible countries for the call.
For the chosen beneficiaries the offer from the European City Facility goes beyond the funding, and includes capacity building, matchmaking offers and dedicated financing tools, all pushing a project idea one step closer to being matched with either private or public financing.
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