A building of a new aprtments

Image from Unsplash by Isaac Quesada

Private residential buildings


Refer to the measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in private residential buildings through the reduction of energy use for heating and cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot water demands as well as reducing electricity consumption of equipment and appliances. Private residential buildings are those owned by a private person and which provide for dwelling purposes. Residential buildings are used for housing and include the necessary facilities and utilities to satisfy the living requirements of its residents.  

Can include measures such as:
•    Insulation of outside walls, roof and cellar
•    Replacement of windows
•    Replacement of ventilation system 
•    Replacement of inefficient systems for heating, cooling and hot water
•    Replacement of inefficient light sources within the building
•    Upgrade of existing equipment and appliances
•    Integration of renewable energy technologies, e.g. PV or solar thermal systems

A selection of beneficiaries on map

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