Call 5
A total of 66 municipalities or local authorities, their groupings and local public entities aggregating municipalities / local authorities from across E...
The Investment Concept (IC) is a document, which translates an investment project idea into financial language in order to mobilise financing for its realisation. The purpose of the Investment Concept is:
The investment concept template was developed by the EUCF in consultation with key stakeholders – such as financial institutions, representatives of municipalities/local authorities and energy and climate experts – in order to deliver a relevant product that supports EUCF beneficiaries refining their sustainable energy of efficiency project ideas into credible investment packages.
EUCF beneficiaries shall develop the investment concept within 12 months from the signature of the Grant Agreement. The investment concept can be developed by EUCF beneficiaries in national language, if preferred.
Submission of the investment concept
During twelve months, EUCF beneficiaries develop their investment concepts with technical support and guidance from the EUCF team and country experts. The investment concepts developed within the EUCF are submitted by beneficiaries in the EUCF website user zone and validated by a dedicated team.
EUCF beneficiaries must develop their investment concepts making use of the template developed by the EUCF.
As the investment concept template can be filled in the beneficiary’s national language, the Investment Concept Summary must be filled online in English. The summary encompasses key figures on the planned investment, such as financial and impact indicators, allowing for a good overview of the proposed investment concept. For LIFE beneficiaries, the information provided by the beneficiary in the online form is automatically compiled and formatted in the PDF document of the Investment Concept Deck, a visual and concise document that outlines the key elements and value proposition of the investment concept for potential investors and shall facilitate the mobilisation of funds for its implementation.
The mandatory annexes to be submitted with the IC Summary in the EUCF website user zone are:
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