A photo of a roundabout near what looks like a beach

Image from Unsplash by Pedro Menezes


The Municipality of Matosinhos Positive Energy investment concept aims to successfully plan and deliver on a wide range of actions in support of the municipality’s wider ambitions on energy. 

A logo, that looks like a a white double "M" on a blue background


The actions encompass a variety of projects aimed at improving energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. These efforts include widespread energy efficiency improvements in buildings, along with the necessary financing to support these upgrades. One major project involves the renovation of 89 public buildings. This includes envelope insulation, efficient lighting systems, HVAC replacements, Building Management Systems (BMS), and solar thermal systems. Social housing complexes will also be renovated, featuring envelope insulation and the addition of solar thermal systems to support domestic hot water. To increase decentralized renewable energy production, photovoltaic solar energy systems will be installed in high consumption buildings, and energy communities will be created in social housing areas.


Additionally, the municipal fleet will be replaced with electric vehicles, and EV chargers will be installed across the municipality territory.


Furthermore, Matosinhos have extensive experience in involving stakeholders in the development of climate and energy strategies. This practice will be reinforced, and the stakeholders engaged, including:

  • Local stakeholders: as key partners for implementation (e.g. public transport services, social housing managers, schools, social, environmental and industrial and business associations). 
  • Civil society: citizens and local business. Ultimate beneficiaries and transitions actors will be engaged to increase awareness, adequacy to local context and boost their involvement. 
  • Other municipalities in the region: to retrieve best practices and synergies and guarantee replicability of the IC, by providing adequate scale and dimension to the project and better profitability.
  • Other stakeholders: to support IC deployment and dissemination and directly benefit from it (e.g. financial institutions, ESCOs). 

Expected Impacts

48 GWh/y

Energy savings

8 GWh/y

energy production

€133 Million

Investment size

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Energy Efficiency Clean Energy Private non-residential buildings Public buildings (incl. social rental and public housing) Private residential buildings Building integrated renewables District heating and cooling networks Innovative energy infrastructure Sustainable urban mobility Public lighting

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